MM Life Jacket Model: Sailor

Personal Floatation Device, Type III with Reflective Tape, Emergency Whistle and quick release buckle for fastening

Certification: MED IS Directive 2014/90/EU, Directive 2014/35/EU, BS EN ISO 12402:2020 and SOLAS LSA Code (As Amended).


A personal flotation device (PFD) gives you more buoyancy to help you stay afloat in water. A PFD is an essential piece of gear for every fisherman, kayaker, canoer and stand up paddle boarder.

The most important thing is to remember to wear one when boating as unexpected immersion can lead to a serious accident that can even be life threatening. Even experienced swimmers have succumbed to the shock of immersion at times. A PFD, as the name suggests, is a floating device that is designed to keep a person’s head above water in the case of a mishap

Optional Accessories: Life Jacket Light / Buddy Line.

SAILORAdult UniversalUpto 100 Kg.III120N12402-4